About Us

iSolar –the future of green energy,

Our aim at iSolar is to make every electricity user be self-sufficient in their need for electricity by producing green energy for the future. We aim to help the community by not only producing green energy for themselves but also help the society by producing green energy for the future through Net metering. We believe in helping our society by controlling climate change and carbon emission by providing them cleaner environment at most affordable and economical rates.
iSolar is expanding its business rapidly and becoming the major stakeholder of the industry. We believe in sustainability, affordability, innovation, customer satisfaction and green Pakistan.

OUR team:

iSolar has a team of highly well trained certified professionals to help you install solar energy systems and guide you towards achieving economical energy independence.
We provide on-grid,off-grid hybrid, grid-tie solar systems solutions for its customers with after sales services.
We are revolutionizing the industry by providing support to commercial, agriculture and residential customers for years.